What’s on your Christmas ‘Wish List’?
Many of you may be adding a new winter coat to your wish list. If so, or if you know you have a coat in your wardrobe that you seldom wear – please ‘read more’
Please remember to donate your old coat to this incredible charity. They have made it so easy to do: drop offs can be made at safe-store locations across all areas of London (North, South, East and West) Details can be found here and you have until the 27th November to donate.
Every coat will go straight to those who need it most (men, women, and children): the homeless, refugees, the elderly, people fleeing domestic violence, and those at risk through living in poverty. For these people the impact of receiving a coat goes way beyond keeping warm. When a person at risk receives a coat they also receive practical help and the opportunity to accept ongoing support to change their situation long-term.
Feel better about investing in a new coat. Every coat collected offers a real opportunity for positive change – how simple and how wonderful is that?
You’re very welcome

Have a great week-end and feel free to share this post.