The clocks have moved forward - have you?
Spring is finally here (and the weather will realise this soon enough!). As clichéd as it sounds I love this time of year – it’s about new beginnings, fresh starts and so I feel it’s an ideal time to review the style post responses and see where we’ve all got to. If you are someone who reads through the style posts, wants to take action but has yet to do so (because…well, just because!) allow some of my fabulous readers to inspire you to make a change.
Flawless, youthful, glamorous – A brand that can give you all 3
“Maggie – I can’t believe I’ve waited so long to find this make-up. I took the plunge and went to Nars Kingston – you’re right – they were so lovely and so knowledgeable. Whilst I felt no pressure to buy products I went away with quite a bit! I feel, and look, so much better and the make-up really lasts. Thank you so much. Keep the advice coming.”
Donna – 48
How to get organised for your most stylish season yet….
“Needed to e-mail to say – I finally did this. I sorted through my wardrobe and followed your tips. It took an age but what a wonderful feeling. Although my wardrobe is much smaller I now only have what I like and what fits! I’m aiming to book you for a Personal Shop in June to fill in the gaps and buy some new pieces – will be in touch.”
Sarah – 38
“Maggie I was forwarded your style post (back in January) by a friend. In February I was invited to a black-tie event. I ended up wearing a silver sequined pencil skirt but instead of my usual chiffon camisole blouse I wore a white shirt. I got some great comments and loved the feeling of wearing something a bit different. Thanks for the inspiration.”
Alison – 35
The shoes you wear say so much about you – what do you want yours to say?
“Oh dear when I read this post it made me think (and panic) at the same time! I ended up going through all my shoes, throwing some out (lots in fact) and getting others mended and polished. I even treated myself to the Boden t-bars you recommended (very bold for me but love them).”
Julie – 42
The Easter break is a great time to make a change . If you are lacking time, motivation or just stuck when it comes to taking action why not get in touch. It would be a pleasure to meet you for a coffee (or a glass of wine if you prefer!) and offer some help and advice. My consultations are free of charge – it could be start of something new for you.
Enjoy your Easter break (and chocolate) and keep your responses coming – they’re a joy to receive. Feel free to share this post.