Choose Love…and buy the t-shirt
In case you need reminding, it’s Valentine’s Day on Wednesday. I love the idea of celebrating your love for someone (whether it be a romantic partner, a good friend, or a family member) but when I see the overpriced roses, the valentine’s set-menu in restaurants, the tacky underwear in stores, I do become a little dis-heartened - see what I did there? I’ve had great valentine’s days whether I’ve been single (out for cocktails with good mates), married (usually opting for an Indian takeaway rather than a fancy restaurant). I’ve also had some horrible ones when I’ve been heart-broken, when I’ve felt lonely in a relationship, or when Killick forgot! Yep - that was a long evening, I can tell you.
For those of you who are looking for gifts, why not shop at Choose Love. You’ll find fabulous merchandise like this beautiful Charlie Mackesy t-shirt or the cool and iconic Katharine Hamnett version. 100% of profits go to support refugees across Europe, the middle East and on the US-Mexico border. Why not help spread the message of positivity and hope?
And for those of you looking to add a touch of red to your favourite outfit, here are just a few of my favourites. Enjoy.
Love to you all and remember to Choose Love – it always makes sense.
You're very welcome

Have a great week-end and feel free to share this post.