
The Style Course you’ve been waiting for

The Style Course you’ve been waiting for

I have been speaking to lots of women this week who are stuck in a style rut: continuing to wear the same cuts and shapes of clothing that they wore in their 20s and 30s that now, no longer serve them.

Life changes, our priorities change, careers change as does our shape. This doesn’t mean you can’t look relevant, cool and fabulous. You just need to understand what works for you now and adapt and tweak your style to create it. When you do, it feels incredible and gives you that confidence and joy you may have lost over time.

If this resonates with you, you’re in luck I am designing a Style Workshop on this very topic and I am super excited to share it with you. It will concentrate on finding an individual style that fits with you and your life now and it will stop the ‘white noise’ that bombards us all through social media : feelings of insecurity; envy; unrealistic images we attempt to emulate, prescriptive advice on what we should be wearing and how we should be wearing it.

You will leave this course full of confidence, and style lessons that transform you, your shopping habits and stop you making mistakes that cost you precious time and money.

Are you in? click here to find out more and to be added to the waiting list.

Let’s make 2024 the year you’re inspired by your style.

You so deserve it

Maggie Killick

Have a great week-end and feel free to share this post.