Seeing the potential in new and “preloved” clothing
As a Stylist I meet many women who:
- own way too many clothes;
- find shopping overwhelming and stressful;
- own huge wardrobes yet have nothing to wear;
- have a favourite piece - often very old ( or should I say “preloved”!) but they are reluctant to throw it away because of the joy it once bought.
Remind you of anyone?
When it comes to the first 3 issues, I am sure you are aware my wardrobe and personal shopping services solve the issues quickly, efficiently and in a very cost-effective way. What you may not know is that I can also advise you on how to adapt those treasured pieces you love but that have seen better days. Adapting clothes is something I’ve been doing for years with my own wardrobe.
Here are just some ideas on how to adapt those pieces (whether new or “preloved”) that will ensure you absolutely love what you wear.
Tip 1: Buying larger and adapting it to your unique figure
I often buy clothing a size larger and get the piece adjusted to fit my shape perfectly. This results in making ‘off-the-peg’ clothing look like ‘made to measure’.It also stops you worrying about what size you are as the piece is fitted to your individual shape.

Tip 2: Adjusting short dresses & skirts to flatter your legs
If I love a dress or skirt and it’s too short I adapt it by either taking down the hem (if there is one!) or else I buy a small piece of material in a contrasting colour and have it professionally added.Not only does it give more length but it makes the dress unique to you.Very often I see women discard short dress options without seeing their potential – big mistake!

Tip 3: Add a quirky twist with ribbon or velvet
I have often had sleeves removed or added ribbon to arm holes where the material has worn away or become discoloured.This is such an inexpensive way to revive a worn piece.I should add here, my style crush Amanda Wakeley offers this service. Her flagship store has a beautiful selection of ribbon and velvet available that you can add to jackets, shirts, trousers or jumpers – genius idea.

Tip 4: Reinvent your favourite trousers
Obviously, it’s not rocket science to get trousers taken up or let down but I have, on many occasion, turned full-length trousers into ¾ length with wide turn ups. This looks particularly stylish with wide leg trousers and offers a whole new way of showing off fabulous shoes.

So, before you walk away from a piece you love in a store (but isn’t quite right) or before you say goodbye to those pieces you still love but have seen better days, think about how it could be adapted with some clever tailoring.
If you would like further information on how I can help you with this – please click here and I will email you separately.
Have a great week-end and feel free to share this post.