New Year Style Resolutions & Sale pieces worth investing in…
Welcome back to the first Style Post for 2020.I hope the year has started well for you. Many of you will be knee deep in resolutions and loving the idea of a fresh start, whilst others will be boycotting the whole idea and day-dreaming of summer holidays.
These last two weeks have been a particularly great start for me as I’ve met wonderful men and women who have decided their resolution this year is to improve how they look and feel about themselves. During their Style Consultations (held at The All Bright Mayfair) we discussed what their struggles were in terms of looking good on a daily basis: lack of time, not loving their bodies and/or being unsure of where to find clothing they love. If you’re feeling similar, the good news is there are still consultations available until the end of January. They are free, one-to-one, and you’ll receive specific advice to kick start a stylish year. Simply Click HERE to get in touch or pass this Style Post on to someone who would love one.
If you’re looking for inspiring Style Resolutions – here are 3 I’ve incorporated over the years, and highly recommend:
Make 2020 the year you stop “saving clothes” and wear more of what you love
The power of clothing is phenomenal. Our choice of clothing each morning has a huge impact on how our day will be: we can feel happier, more confident, walk with an almighty spring in our step – it just takes a little thought.So, rather than grabbing the same “go to” outfit, why not step up your game and wear clothes in your wardrobe that make you feel amazing.I have many statement skirts that could be considered “dressy” but adding a pair of plimsoles and knitwear give them a whole new lease of life.What could you do?

Make 2020 the year you work on feeling more positive about your body
We all know we need to exercise regularly and eat well but it’s also about being kind to our body. It’s those little things we can do to make a difference: body-brushing, using a fabulous body moisturiser, booking a monthly beauty or body treatment. The kinder you are to your body, the better it will look and the more you’ll enjoy dressing it. What body treatment could you book now?

Make 2020 the year you stop panic buying when you feel you have nothing to wear
Ask yourself if you really need something new to wear. On occasions where I don’t feel good in anything (we all get those days don’t we?), rather than panic buying I wear the simplest outfit I own and concentrate on getting a fabulous blow dry, buying a new lipstick and wearing my favourite statement shoes. It always works for me and stops me wasting money on expensive mistakes.What could work for you?

Finally, for those of you still sale shopping, here are a few pieces I’ve seen and loved. They are timeless, effortless and so versatile.Remember these key words when sale shopping – trust me it’ll help you decide whether it really is a bargain!
You’re very welcome