
Maggie Loves and Recommends…Stylist Live

Maggie Loves and Recommends…Stylist Live

On Sunday I was invited to Stylist’s iconic event of the year at The Truman Brewery in London. The day was full of great energy, inspirational catwalk shows and exceptional small businesses, many of whom I had the pleasure of meeting. There were two that stood out to me, which is why I wanted to dedicate this week’s Style Post to them. They are not clothing brands but trust me they will make you feel and look incredible.

Relaxayvoo: High performance nutritional skincare. Visible results.

As soon as I saw the founder, Constance Laperche, I needed to find out more. Her skin glowed and looked so fresh and natural. She explained “we keep our skincare ritual as pleasurable and simple as possible to ensure people will want to continue doing it.” Here are 3 products I tried and why I am ordering them. If you are tempted to do the same there are some great savings currently available up to 26th November). I wish I could describe how they make you feel when you inhale them – ‘incredible’ just doesn’t hack it, but, trust me, they are divine.

The Facial Oil

I am a big fan of a facial oil, particularly at night. When I tried this one, I instantly loved it. It felt so nourishing; absorbed so easily and left a glow to my skin. Shall I attempt to describe the smell? Let's just say the combination of prickly pear (cactus oil) and rosehip is simply beautiful.

Solar Power Herbal Tea

Constance has created this beautiful tea with coffee lovers in mind: to help survive and revive those late morning or early afternoon dips. She refers to it as “natures gentle kick to provide you with get up and go” . I’m in!

The Bath & Shower Oil

This oil has been created with delicate citrus scents and notes of eucalyptus to raise your overall sense of well-being – Amen to that. Whether you prefer a bath or shower (always a bath for me – in case you’re interested) your skin will feel beautifully nourished and will smell wonderful.

Recognised: Beautiful jewellery that supports powerful causes.

Anneka Wallington is Co-Founder of Recognised. The concept behind the brand is to give recognition to individuals, charities and causes to raise awareness, spark conversations, and bring solidarity. 100% of profits from their unique statement “popons”  are donated to powerful causes such as mental health, cancer support, ending modern slavery, solidarity, and motherhood. You simply choose your base  (bangles, earrings or a range of chains) and add a ‘popon’  from your chosen cause. So simple and so thoughtful. Here are 3 that are meaningful to me.

The initial ‘popon’ supporting Maggie’s Cancer Charity: Maggie's 23 centres are warm and welcoming places with expert staff to help people live well with cancer. Choose from 26 initials to recognise those we love and stand with through hard times.

The pearl ‘popon’ supporting the Ella Charity: to ensure survivors of trafficking and exploitation have all they need to recover and build lives that are safe and free. Every human being deserves to feel both.

The pebble ‘popon’ supporting the British Red Cross: helping millions of people in the UK and around the world get the support they need when crisis strikes. A reminder that there is strength is numbers and comfort in unity - we are better together.

It is an absolute privilege to introduce these brands to you. Please pass this Style Post on to continue to spread the word – both deserve continued success. I should mention, I do not receive payment for recommending them. I genuinely fell in love with their business ethos, their products, and the passionate women who created them.

You’re very welcome

Maggie Killick

Have a great week-end and feel free to share this post.